Diplomas for WWII Veterans


Niles Community Schools Offering Diplomas for WW II Veterans

To provide special recognition for the service and sacrifice of military veterans of WW II, Public Act 181 of 2001 authorizes the Board of a Michigan school district to award a high school diploma to a WW II veteran.

The law permits a WW II veteran who left high school between December 16, 1940 and December 31, 1946 for immediate military service and not subsequently receiving a high school degree to now apply for a diploma. Please note, specific family members may also apply on behalf of a living or deceased veteran.

The application requires a copy of the veteran's discharge from military service indicating honorable service between the dates of December 16, 1940 and December 31, 1946. The applicant's signature certifies the remaining information. The school district may verify the dates of the veteran's school enrollment from our own records.

Approximately 653,000 Michigan men and women served during WW II. The US Department of Veterans Affairs estimates about 175,000 of this number currently live in Michigan. No reliable figures exist as to how many of these veterans graduated from high school before or after military service.

If you, a family member, or a friend meets the above criteria, please contact our office at 269.683.0732. The veteran must have been enrolled in Niles High School or a predecessor to be recognized.

The Niles Community Schools Board of Education greatly appreciates the sacrifices made by this group of men and women and would be honored to grant them a diploma under this program.

Click here to download an application. Please return the application to: Superintendent's Office, Niles Community Schools, 1 Tyler Street, Niles, MI 49120 or call 269.683.0732 for more information.

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