Bus Rules
Together First Student and the Niles Community Schools have developed this document to outline the standards of student conduct that we believe will assure each child a safe bus ride each day. This document provides guidelines on acceptable and unacceptable behavior and possible disciplinary actions.
Please review this information with your child to help him/her understand what is expected of them while riding a school bus. We take the safety of your children very seriously. A key part of that is to establish a safe and pleasant environment on the bus to and from school.
Prohibited Items
To keep the bus environment as safe as possible students may not bring the following items onto the bus:
Baseballs or Bats
School Project larger than can be carried on the child’s lap
Any object that might be thrown
Any object which might jeopardize the safety of others
Cell phones and other electronic devices are not to be used on the bus and must be kept stowed in backpacks, pockets or purses.
Conduct and Discipline
Students are expected to behave in a respectful manner toward the driver and other students while waiting for and riding the bus. Fighting, bullying, bickering, horseplay and boisterous activities are not allowed. Drivers will try to prevent and resolve behavior problems as they arise by working directly with students. In cases of repeated misbehavior or serious misconduct the driver may issue a misconduct report to be taken to the parent/guardian. The misconduct report will contain a brief description of the inappropriate behavior. Please take this opportunity to discuss the inappropriate behavior with your child. Please sign and return the misconduct report to the driver with your child. If you have questions or concerns about the misconduct report please contact either the Manager or Supervisor at the Transportation Office at 269-684-1420.
The Niles Community Schools have adopted a District Code of Conduct which applies to all students at school, involved in school activities and on the buses. Listed below are the behaviors that will immediately be conveyed to school administrator for action as defined within the code.
- Any purposeful action toward another student that results in serious and observable injury requiring medical attention.
- Use or possession of a weapon, explosive, look-alike weapon, or anything that is used as a weapon.
- Possession of any drug or look-alike drug (includes alcohol and tobacco)
- Use or being under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
- Intentionally causing, or attempting to cause, physical harm to any school staff or school representative through force or violence.
- Verbal assault against any school staff or school representative (any intentional threat or offer to do harm, coupled with the apparent ability to carry out the act if not prevented).
- Act of arson, bomb threats, false fire alarms, or any serious threat to school property or activities.
- Willful destruction of school property (in excess of$200).
- Act of stalking (repeated or continuing harassment of another individual that cause a reasonable person to feel terrorized,frightened, intimidated, threatened, harassed or molested).