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We appreciate and welcome your interest in Niles Community Schools! Below is some information regarding our Employment process.
Niles Community Schools believes that every child deserves a life-changing education and we are committed to getting outstanding results for our students. Personnel impacts student achievement by:
- selecting exceptional people;
- providing employees excellent support and development;
- maintaining high expectations; and
- delivering high-quality customer service.
We take great pride in our staff and the services they provide to our students and families. We are committed to a thorough process of hiring to ensure that we have the best people working in our schools.
Vacancy postings for all positions are available on this website. See how to apply below. Applicants are reviewed by the administrator doing the hiring. Those applicants the administrator(s) are interested in interviewing will be invited to interview and complete further screening. Every attempt is made to fill positions as quickly as possible and inform applicants of their status as soon as selections are known.
* Please note that Niles Community Schools is part of the Berrien County Consortium. Please verify that you're applying for a Niles job.
We look forward to reviewing your online application and support documents when positions become available. We wish you well in attaining your career goals.
Important Information for Applicants:

For employment of Support staff see section 4120 policies under the Classified Staff section.
For employment of Professional staff see section 3120 of our policies under the Professional Staff section.
Before beginning the application process, please be prepared to upload the required supporting documents. An application is not considered complete until your resume, transcripts, certificates, references, and student teacher evaluations (if applicable and recent) have been received.
Please do not mail or bring copies of your application materials to the district or any school office. The district does not retain paper documents and unsolicited materials will not be accepted
Employment Application
Niles Community Schools periodically has employment opportunities for qualified and committed administrators, teachers, and educational support personnel. Our staff serves elementary, middle, high school, and adult education students.
The Niles Community School district is an at-will equal opportunity employer, hiring without regard to race, creed, color, sex, age, disability, or national origin.
The online application may be found at PowerSchools - Hire Enterprise
If you have any questions regarding any vacancy or the application process, you may call Niles Community Schools Personnel Office at 269.683.6662.
The online application is for all positions associated with Niles Community Schools (administrators, teachers, secretaries, custodians, maintenance, and instructional assistants
Apply For A Job:

Non-Discrimination Statement
Prospective employees will receive consideration without discrimination because of religion, race, color, national origin, age, sex, height, weight, marital status, or handicap. The Niles Community Schools Board of Education complies with all federal and state laws and regulations prohibiting discrimination. Inquiries regarding compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (race, color, or national origin) and compliance with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (sex) may be directed to the Office of Personnel, 269/683-6662; compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (disability) may be directed to the Director of Special Education, 269/683-0757; all at the above address.